Above is a shot from the top of the Peninsula Point Lighthouse taken on August 26, 2007.

Above is a shot taken from the top of the same lighthouse taken on August 23, 2009. Water now covers a lot of area that was dry land two years ago.
You can tell these are lined up the same way because of the the trees in the foreground and the lighthouse (Minneapolis Shoal Light) in the background on the horizon. I am sure that the great lakes go through these cycles.
Other have noticed the rise in lake levels. Apparently low lake levels mean that cargo ships on the lakes must load less cargo and that raises costs per unit shipped. Every inch of lower lake level means 250 tons less on a 1000ft cargo ship. This adds up.
I went to the NOAA website to look for lake level data. I chose to use the Green bay, WI levels because it appeared to the be the only site with data back to August 2007 when the earlier picture above was taken and you could make the point that Peninsula Point is in Green Bay (which extends from Green Bay to the Upper Peninsula of Michigan).

The next chart shows the verified level data from Jan 2007 through the present. Arrows represent the dates of the two pictures above. There is no verified data for August of 2009 yet but you can see where lake levels were only a month earlier. The difference between Aug 2007 and Aug 2009 is about 1.5 ft which is consistent with the pictures and what I saw at Peninsula Point between the two years.

I suppose that now each time I go to the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, I will need to travel to Peninsula Point and take the same picture since I appear to have accidentally become a historical lake level observer.
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